

胡晟宇 旷野沙漠之州 2020-08-18


The killing of George Floyd on May 25, 2020 has set in motion a series of political and cultural movements that have sparked intense debate in America about race-relations and social justice. A comprehensive examination of these topics would take far too long than I have time for, but I will seek to address some of the major issues that in my assessment pertain to Asian American Christians (AAC).
2020年5月25日乔治·弗洛伊德(George Floyd)的死在美国引发了一系列政治和文化运动,激起了有关种族关系和社会公正的激烈辩论。这些问题并非三言两语能说清楚,但是我想指出一些我认为与美国亚裔基督徒(AAC)有关的重要问题。
Racial tension has always run deep in America. But in the past decade or so, beginning with the death of Trayvon Martin, followed by that of Mike Brown, Eric Gardner, Philando Castile, and ultimately George Floyd, the issue of police brutality has seen the most public discussion and scrutiny. And while Latinos, Asians, and Jews are certainly part of the larger discussion of racial injustice, the center of mass seems to lie between whites and blacks, and particularly between white cops and black young males.
种族间的紧张关系在美国根深蒂固。从特雷冯·马丁(Trayvon Martin)的死开始,到迈克·布朗(Mike Brown),埃里克·加德纳(Eric Gardner),菲兰多·卡斯蒂利亚(Philodo Castile),最后是乔治·弗洛伊德(George Floyd),近十几年来警察的残暴执法成为公众关注和议论最多的问题。在更广范围内,种族问题当然也涉及拉美裔,亚裔和犹太裔,但问题的重心似乎位于白人和黑人之间,尤其是白人警察与年轻黑人男性之间。
There are many questions that need to be addressed from the perspectives of AAC’s.
  1. What is the real issue, with respect to American history and politics?
  2. What is the current milieu in the church among young, mostly second-generation, Asian Christians?
  3. As AAC’s, where should we stand on this issue politically and spiritually
In this article, I will address the first and second question: What is the real issue? (for first-generation immigrants who do not feel knowledgeable in American politics and history). Furthermore, where do most AAC’s stand?
  1. 从美国历史和政治角度来看此事件的实质是什么?
  2. 目前在教会众多第二代的年轻的亚裔基督徒中,他们的观点是什么?
  3. 作为美国的亚裔基督徒,我们在政治和属灵立场上对此事应该持什么态度?
From a historical-political perspective, everything that has happened in the past few weeks have been in response to the death of George Floyd. I won’t belabor the event itself; I recommend you read the news for yourself with the accompanying video, I think it speaks for itself. The police officer has been charged with murder and is awaiting trial. The GF’s death is really just the straw that broke the camel’s back. The protests that have occurred are not only in response to GF, but as a response to the cumulative anger within the black community over other incidents including the death of Trayvon Martin, Mike Brown, Philando Castile, Freddie Gray, and others. The most vocal noises have claimed that the American police force are inherently racist against blacks. This then is an example of social injustice in America, at least in regard to race. The argument can be broadened to include other areas of economics, education, healthcare, politics, etc. The overall premise vocalized is that America as a nation is fundamentally racist and her institutions are dominated by white supremacy. Therefore, we need to restructure the institutions of America so that it is less racist and unjust for people of color (blacks, but also Asians, Latinos, Jews, etc).
从历史政治角度来看,过去几周发生的一切都是对乔治·弗洛伊德(George Floyd)被警察跪杀事件的回应。对此事件我不再做描述;建议大家亲自查看新闻及相关视频,我认为那段视频录像已经将事件说明的很清楚。该警察已被控谋杀罪,正在等待审判。弗洛伊德的死实际上只是压垮骆驼的最后一根稻草。发生的抗议活动不仅是针对这一事件,更是针对黑人社区一系列事件(包括Trayvon Martin,Mike Brown,Philando Castile,Freddie Gray等人死亡)所积累的愤怒的回应。其中最激进的声音认为,美国警界骨子里对黑人有歧视。这至少在种族问题方面成为美国社会不公正的一个典型,其他方面包括经济,教育,医疗保健,政治等。总体上,抗议者认为,美国这个国家根子里有种族歧视,她的制度无处不体现着白人优越。因此,美国的制度体系需要重建,方能消弭种族主义和对有色人种(黑人,还有亚裔,拉丁裔,犹太裔等)的不公平待遇。
Critics of the protests have raised concerns about the riots, looting, and unreasonable demands for reform. For example, in Seattle, protesters have actually taken over 6 squares of downtown and declared themselves to be a separate nation called CHAZ (Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone). As well, Minneapolis has officially voted to dismantle their police department altogether, with other cities (including Tucson) having similar discussions. It is worth mentioning that not all protesters agree with the developments of CHAZ or dismantling the police. However, the voice calling for such measures seems to out-sound the more conservative voices. I think it is fair to say that most Americans, no matter what political persuasion, seem very worried about the political-cultural future of America.
Most ABC’s in my estimation seem very ill-informed on these issues. Albeit, it is a very complicated issue, I have noticed that the degree of political-cultural literacy is quite low on average. Most college students just seem to regurgitate what they hear from their professors and friends. Most social media posts are very liberal in their political persuasion. Dissenting voices are usually silenced, ignored, or cancelled. And this pattern trickles down by age. The younger they are, the less they care and less informed they are.
I find that within the church, younger pastors tend to be pro social justice, while older, first-generation immigrants tend to just not get involved at all. I myself do not subscribe to the ideology of social justice, and I find it inherently dangerous to both the church and society at large. However, most of my millennial peers do not share this sentiment. Among millennial Asian pastors, in my experience, most are pro social justice. Lay AAC are thus mostly pro-SJ. However, this is mostly due to the fact that they trust their pastors and go along with what they say. They often have not spent too much time studying the issue for themselves. The downside to this is that, by implication, most 2nd generation AAC’s will tend to be pro-SJ. The upside to this is that, when they are presented with new information, their worldview can be more easily challenged and their minds swayed to the other persuasion. Church leaders are harder to change, for various reasons, both institutional and personal. I won’t go too much into details on this point, for fear of depreciating the authority of the pastoral office.
Interestingly enough, one issue I find quite odd is that even among conservative evangelical AAC’s, they cannot see the underlying ideologies that the SJ movement poses. Oftentimes these AAC’s are very personally devoted to the Lord. They oppose gay marriage and abortion. They are conservative in their daily lives. But then when it comes to the particular issue of race, they subscribe to abstract principles that are very inconsistent with their Christian beliefs – principles, which, if taken to their logical extremes and implemented in real life, would lead to outcomes that would hardly find acceptance anywhere. I do not say this to blame anyone – after all, discerning God’s will take time and practice (Rom 12:2). I say this as an encouragement, because I believe that most AAC’s are reasonable, and with enough teaching and information, will be able to form coherent worldviews that are consistent with biblical values through and through.

